"What if...?". I'm sure that all of you had this question flashed through your mind before. One simple question but we'll have a lot of thoughts about it. I often wonder what will happen if I'm not the way I am now. What will the results be? Good or bad? No one knows...
Questions I often ask myself the most is, "What if I'm a boy?". If I'm a boy, maybe I would have study in a boys' school by now and less drama will happen. What I mean by drama is backstabbing, gossip and more silly things girls often do in girls' school. I'm the youngest among my siblings and I'm 12 years younger than my third sister. As you can see, there's a long gap between my generation and my sisters' generation. You see, I have 3 sisters. My parents tried to get a boy but I popped out as a girl. Too bad for my parents... and for me, too.
If I'm a boy, maybe I would have spend less time on beautifying myself, so I don't have to rush whenever I go out. Well, you know... Girls take a very long time to dress up. If I'm a boy, I no need worry about what will come to me once a month (That's also if you know what I mean). If I'm a boy, maybe my parents won't be so worry and paranoid about my safety whenever I hang out. I blame nowadays communities for this. A lot of social problems seems to happen nowadays and most of the teenagers was involved with them. When I type the phrase "most of the teenagers", people often see them as "all the teenagers". Hey, people! Not all teenagers are like that! Some of us are good teenagers, ok?! That's why Malays have an idiom, "kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelangga", which means if one person from a group committed a misdeed then the whole group will get punished or embarrassed because of his or her misdeed even though the group are not involved. Unfair, right?
I don't think it would be any better if I'm a boy especially if I'm my parents only son. Maybe they'll protect me even more... For example, they will never even let me hang out at all. NOOOOO WAYYYY!!!
"What if I didn't meet this person in the first place?", is the second question which always appears in my mind. I often wonder what will happen if I didn't meet my friends(classmates), then who will I friend with? If I met other friends first instead of them, what will we be? Friends, phony or foe? Will we even talk to each other? No one knows...
"What if one day, death comes to me out of sudden?", is the very last question I want to ask myself. I decided to put that in my mind when I reached 60 something. I really don't want to think about it now even though I always wonder how do heaven and hell look like. Whatever will be will be...
Lone Ranger

I'm rarely bored alone; I'm often bored in groups and crowds. :)
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Busy Wednesday Afternoon
OMG, OMG!!! I haven't finish my homework yet & yet I'm still blogging here. Whatever... My mama went to my eldest sister's house today & only left my papa at home. I stayed back at school until 4:30 p.m. but my second sister arived school at about 5:30 p.m., so I reached home late. After I reached home, I have to take off my full uniform buttons and wash it. I'm an RC member, so my uniform is white and that's what I hate about it. It get dirty EASILY! And the worst thing is after I have cleaned my uniform, I have to help my mama to do housework, which is what I hate the most. I have to take the dried clothes from the balcony, fold it and put them in the closet based on its respective owner. My third sister wore the most clothes, THE HECK!!! It's a must for me to do the house chores because if I didn't do, I'll get a very long lecture from my mama. This is the lecture she gave on the other day when I didn't help her with the houseworks, "Sun Ru, can't you even help me a bit with the houseworks? You're the youngest in the family and it's your responsibility to do the houseworks when your sisters are not around. I really dissapointed with your attitude and bla bla bla...". People often say being the youngest in the family is the luckiest one because their parents will adore them the most among the siblings as they are the apple of their eyes but for me, it's the other way around. WHY?! Anyway, I have to thanks family, because if they didn't teach me the responsibilities about being the youngest, I think I would have become a spoil brat now...
I was starving like a beggar when I doing the house chores. Luckily, my papa made me a cup of Milo ice & bun after I finished everything. I love you, papa! <3 Not long after I finished the meal, my third sister called papa & told him she will take us with mama to the western restaurant for dinner. "Great!" WHY THEY ONLY CALL AFTER I FINISHED THE MEAL?! ARGHHH.
But it's ok for me anyway. I thought maybe my stomach still can fit another plate of pasta or something, so I just went along with them to the restaurant in my third sister's car. When the car U- turned, there's this good-looking guy cycled on his bike on the road and I actually stared out of the window and smiled at him (I really don't know why the heck I do that?! I just naturally doing it just for fun, maybe...) andd he actually smiled back at me... I was like, "Wow, so he actually saw me smiling at him". I thought maybe he was focussing on cycling his bike as he's on the road and it's very dangerous to flirt with girl while cyling on the road!
When we reached the restaurant in All Seasons Place, we ordered the foods & it actually costed RM19-RM18 per plate! Walao eh! The food actually looked nice and tasted nice but too bad, I have a flu and I can't really taste the food properly and I started to loss my appetite before I finished my Chicken spaghetti. My papa thought I dislike eating it because it taste bad and started complained about this and that and bla bla bla. My mama and sister was like staring at me like it was my fault for my papa's complaint. I kept telling him that it wasn't about the tastiness of the food that cause me to stop eating, but still he kept bla bla bla-ing non-stop. Finally, I gave up explaining as I was having flu and can't really breathed through my nose (I breathed through my mouth the whole day today). I hate flu so much. Arghhhh
Before we went home, mama asked me to take a few brochure or booklets from the shelf. She love to take brochures and booklets. She said maybe these brochure will help me in my schoolworks in the future, who knows. Well, I took this one booklet in the title of "Penang Tourism Calendar of Events 2014" which tell us about events that will be held in Penang in the year of 2014. I found out that Penang Bridge International Marathon is going to be held on 15 June 2014 which is on holiday. I'm kinda interested because last year I saw some friends posted photos on Facbook about this event before and they seemed to have a lots of fun. I asked my mama whether I can go for this event or not and do you know what she said? She said, "Sun Ru, don't go to this type of event. It's very dangerous to run in a crowded place. What if something happen? I promised you that after you reached 20 years old, I'll let you to go anywhere you like but not now. You're just 15, my dear. You can't take good care of yourself." I was like, "What if I died before I reached 20 and I wasn't allowed to go anywhere in my teenage age. What if I passed away with lots of regrets in my heart for not enjoying my teenage life just because my mama doesn't let me to do so. That would be such a WASTE!" And of course I said all this thing in my head, so no one could hear it except me.
Yay, reached home at last! But... when I saw my school bag, I remembered about my homework but I'm too lazy to do it, so maybe I shall do it after I finished blogging. Haha, and so I actually wasted about half an hour to type this very long post out instead of doing my homework.
Gotta end here! Bye bye! Wich me luck in doing my homework, ya! That's also if I decide to do so... =P
I was starving like a beggar when I doing the house chores. Luckily, my papa made me a cup of Milo ice & bun after I finished everything. I love you, papa! <3 Not long after I finished the meal, my third sister called papa & told him she will take us with mama to the western restaurant for dinner. "Great!" WHY THEY ONLY CALL AFTER I FINISHED THE MEAL?! ARGHHH.
But it's ok for me anyway. I thought maybe my stomach still can fit another plate of pasta or something, so I just went along with them to the restaurant in my third sister's car. When the car U- turned, there's this good-looking guy cycled on his bike on the road and I actually stared out of the window and smiled at him (I really don't know why the heck I do that?! I just naturally doing it just for fun, maybe...) andd he actually smiled back at me... I was like, "Wow, so he actually saw me smiling at him". I thought maybe he was focussing on cycling his bike as he's on the road and it's very dangerous to flirt with girl while cyling on the road!
When we reached the restaurant in All Seasons Place, we ordered the foods & it actually costed RM19-RM18 per plate! Walao eh! The food actually looked nice and tasted nice but too bad, I have a flu and I can't really taste the food properly and I started to loss my appetite before I finished my Chicken spaghetti. My papa thought I dislike eating it because it taste bad and started complained about this and that and bla bla bla. My mama and sister was like staring at me like it was my fault for my papa's complaint. I kept telling him that it wasn't about the tastiness of the food that cause me to stop eating, but still he kept bla bla bla-ing non-stop. Finally, I gave up explaining as I was having flu and can't really breathed through my nose (I breathed through my mouth the whole day today). I hate flu so much. Arghhhh
Before we went home, mama asked me to take a few brochure or booklets from the shelf. She love to take brochures and booklets. She said maybe these brochure will help me in my schoolworks in the future, who knows. Well, I took this one booklet in the title of "Penang Tourism Calendar of Events 2014" which tell us about events that will be held in Penang in the year of 2014. I found out that Penang Bridge International Marathon is going to be held on 15 June 2014 which is on holiday. I'm kinda interested because last year I saw some friends posted photos on Facbook about this event before and they seemed to have a lots of fun. I asked my mama whether I can go for this event or not and do you know what she said? She said, "Sun Ru, don't go to this type of event. It's very dangerous to run in a crowded place. What if something happen? I promised you that after you reached 20 years old, I'll let you to go anywhere you like but not now. You're just 15, my dear. You can't take good care of yourself." I was like, "What if I died before I reached 20 and I wasn't allowed to go anywhere in my teenage age. What if I passed away with lots of regrets in my heart for not enjoying my teenage life just because my mama doesn't let me to do so. That would be such a WASTE!" And of course I said all this thing in my head, so no one could hear it except me.
Yay, reached home at last! But... when I saw my school bag, I remembered about my homework but I'm too lazy to do it, so maybe I shall do it after I finished blogging. Haha, and so I actually wasted about half an hour to type this very long post out instead of doing my homework.
Gotta end here! Bye bye! Wich me luck in doing my homework, ya! That's also if I decide to do so... =P
Monday, 19 May 2014
I'm NOT a Blogger but I Still Blog
Ladies & gentlemen... let me proudly represent my blog... Tada... Ok, I admit that it actually does sound lame here by just looking at the title 'I'm NOT a Blogger but I Still Blog'. Well, I'm really is not a blogger & that's the truth & I almost choked myself to death when I create this blog & change the settings & bla bla bla. It's a tiring job, ok especially for a noob like me. One of the reasons I created this blog is because I was influenced by my friend, Yun Sing who's a blogger. Here is her blog's link:
Do visit whenever you feel like it, ya! ;)
Another reasons why I have a blog is because sometimes, I really don't know where I can spill my feelings & thoughts to. I don't have much options other than blog though. I dislike writing in a diary because it waste a lot of pen ink, paper & the most important one is MONEY. I don't want people to cut down trees just to make some nice-looking diary. It's would be so NOT eco-friendly & then what?! Then, we have to use our money to buy it? It's not a good idea for me, so ya. "Why not spill you feelings & thoughts to your close ones?", maybe some of you will say so but then, what happen? They start lecturing you about social, life & bla bla bla & some of them even acted like they don't care at all. (My parents are like that.) FINE, I'm totally OK with that.
Before I have a blog, I thought that blog is lame but now I think it's TOTALLY ROCKKKSSS!!! I will post more stuffs here soon, so do always visit my blog, ya! ;)
Before I end, I have to admit that my English writing skill is very bad, so if you find any grammatical errors in my blog, please don't judge. I'm still learning like a kindergarten child. *Sobs :'(
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